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What is the interest rate on my SaveOne account?
SaveOne accounts (from 1 August 2023)
From 1 August 2023, there is 0% interest earned on your SaveOne account.
SaveOne accounts (up to 31 July 2023)
The interest rate depends on your savings balance. The more you save, the more you could earn with variable interest on balances:
- 2% p.a. on savings up to $10,000
- 3% p.a. on the part of the balance from $10,000.01 to $20,000
- 4% p.a. on the part of the balance from $20,000.01 to $30,000
For example, if a customer has $25,000 in their account earning interest at 2% p.a. on savings up to $10,000, 3% on $10,000.01 to $20,000 and 4% on $20,000.01 to $30,000, their interest would be calculated by:
- 2% on the first $10,000 in their account,
- 3% on another $10,000, and
- 4% on the remaining $5,000.