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My ID check failed, what do I do next?
If you received an error when attempting to verify your identity, check the following:
- The legal name on your identification document (ID) matches exactly what you've entered in the Society One app.
- Be sure to use your full legal name, including any middle names and not names that you may be commonly known by instead.
- Please check you haven't made a typo in your legal name, date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY), address or ID document details.
- The identification you provided is still valid (i.e it hasn't expired) If you are still having issues, try a different form of ID.
Using a Driver Licence or Passport usually provides the best results. if you are using a Medicare card for ID, there can be limitations to how your name is displayed on your Medicare card.
If you do use your Medicare card, be sure to type out the details exactly as they appear on your card You may need to make sure that your address is updated on your ID document, particularly if you have recently moved.