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Easy Cash Loans

SocietyOne / Easy Cash Loans


Award winning personal loans


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Total repayment (inc. interest and fees)
Total interest
8.20% p.a.
Example interest rate*
8.27% p.a.
Comparison rate*

Easy Cash Loans

Higher education offers many career advantages, which is why many young adults invest in it through easy cash loans. But how does it affect the trajectory of their credit history?

There are dedicated credit options for students in higher education, especially when they’re working while studying, but choosing the ideal credit provider can be tricky. Should a student pursue federal loans like HELP, or should they choose personal easy cash loans instead?

Here’s our take on the issue.

Do students qualify for instant loans with low interest in Australia?

When applying for a personal loan in Australia, there are several factors that may influence whether your application is approved. Where you live, how much your household earns annually, or what type of school you currently attend or plan to attend are all factored into easy cash loan approvals.

For example, there are grant-in-aid loans available through the HELP programmes to help people of different backgrounds or education levels obtain financial assistance. VET or apprenticeship courses are typically covered, but the eligibility criteria may vary between regions or territories.

Accredited educators or schools may be the only places to obtain certain federal loans, however limiting a student's choices in educational institutions.

Other assistance loans may be available only for students at public universities or selective private academic institutions, as well.

Conversely, many licenced loan providers offer easy cash loans to working students regardless of their school or college. Some credit providers also provide credit through the parents of students, as long as the student is a legally recognised dependent. There are just as many small instant loans available anywhere in Australia as there are federal ones, and they have less stringent eligibility criteria.

Just as a wedding loan or a motorbike loan would not be the same as a travel loan, student personal loans should be tailored to their particular needs. A one-size-fits-all loan type wouldn’t be as effective.

Are easy cash loans good for paying off debt?

Credit is a powerful financial tool, but great power engenders great responsibility. Without healthy credit habits, existing loans could lead to a bad credit score that will take years to repair.

It’s crucial for many young adults to start building credit histories early with easy cash loans that are manageable for their allowance or income. Always consider your financial capacity and the prospective payment plan of a loan offer before making a loan commitment.

What to do when your credit score is freefalling

It’s never too early to start taking care of your credit rating. Your credit score isn’t just for easy cash loans or short-term personal online loans. Good credit scores tell financial institutions that you’re responsible for your finances, which gives you an advantage when it comes to gaining investments like housing or businesses.

This is why SocietyOne offers a Credit Score tool that allows users to get their credit score for free. Just click the ‘Get My Score’ button on our site. Through our credit reporting partner Experian, you can preview your current credit rating with no fees attached.

We also have a club that offers resources on better credit management available to registered members at SocietyOne. Because it’s obligation-free, you’re not required to have an ongoing fast, easy loan or application with us to take advantage of the service. Paired with powerful resources and insights, you can now seize your credit score and identify problem areas in your credit history that need help or improvement.

Download our mobile app and get your credit rate for easy cash loans today!

What can small loans online be used for?

If credit is a tool we can use, then it’s up to us how to utilise it responsibly – because, like any other tool, there are efficient ways to handle them and less than ideal ways too.

Before applying for easy cash loans, it helps to plan out what it will be used for.

When applying for quick and easy loans to use for student housing, canvass the location first before committing to a dormitory situation. What you potentially save from campus proximity may be lost through high food prices or lack of amenities like laundry service.

If your loan is for offsetting tuition costs, ask about any additional fees or charges for campus facilities – you don’t want to take on a tuition loan only to find you still have a considerable sum left to cover.

SocietyOne offers flexible loan options to our clients through secured and unsecured loans with competitive personal loan repayment terms.

Our unsecured loans have a minimum loanable amount of $5,000 and a maximum of $50,000, which is a robust personal loan that’s payable in two-, three-, and five-year loan terms. Our secured loans, meanwhile, have the same loan minimum as our unsecured loans but with a higher maximum of $70,000. There is also an option of a seven-year loan term available for secured loans only.

The general application requirements for our easy cash loans are as follows:

  • You must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
  • You must be at least eighteen years old or older at the time of application.
  • You or your household must be earning at least $30,000 p.a.
  • It’s preferred that you or your household have good credit standing.

If you have any enquiries about the application process or the eligibility criteria, email us at, or call us at either 1300 144 221 or 02 8397 9700. Our phone support is active from Mondays to Fridays, 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. AEDT.

Your education is an influential asset to your journey into a successful career. Check your rates with us today!

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